Rogue Wave is the second book released by Biddeford Pool's own historian and author, Margo Alley, covering the rescue of the Wood Island Lighthouse keepers baby daughter, Tammy Burnham, in 1960. Alley commented, "Never before has the rescuer told his riveting account of the rescue publicly; in this book he authors his own chapter."
"After decades of harboring haunting memories and troubling revelations, I now feel compelled to speak out. This decision has not been made lightly. It is not my intent to denigrate or disparage anyone in this process, especially not the United States Coast Guard, which I honor and respect. I have no intended agenda beyond sharing the truth of my experience. In the interest of truth, every effort has been made to limit and define the context of what I actually witnessed while simultaneously providing insights never before shared with the public."
Rescuer‒ Edward J. Syvinski
Rogue Wave
Rogue Wave
Soft cover, a riveting true read with many photographs, 187 pgs.
Shipping included!